Meditations and sound journeys

Meditations and sound journeys from Alpha-Theta Coaching can be heard and purchased at BandCamp.

Sea Of Voices

The Sea Of Voices was created to dive deep into meditation, as if through acoustic waves in an ocean. The sound basis of this meditation is the frequency of 136.10 Hz. We have used it because it resonates with the cosmic "OM". It is related to the heart chakra and is called the frequency of the "earth year". This frequency is said to have a high potential to activate healing powers in the body and soul. The power of the human voice has been used to achieve a very deep level of relaxation during meditation. It is said to help access your subconscious mind or support your visualization.

It is best to listen to this meditation with high-quality headphones or earplugs, right after or before sleep.

Vocals and arrangement by Uta Minzberg.
Recorded, engineered, mixed and mastered by Marc Mennigmann

Cover photo "Cat's Eye Nebula" by NASA, ESA, HEIC, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) [source]

Cover artwork by Marc Mennigmann.

Healing meditation for earth and humanity

English version below.

This meditation was created to connect with Gaia, our Mother Earth. In our daily lives we tend to forget what our true nature is and that we are all the children of this beautiful planet we call Earth. Although we all seem to be different - on a spiritual level - we are all the same: beautiful souls sharing an adventure as human beings here on this planet.

In togetherness we can heal ourselves and the earth and allow our energy to soar. Please feel invited to use this meditation to create your inner space to connect on the soul level.

The meditation can be downloaded for free. Simply enter an amount of "0" at "name your price". If you want to enter a different amount as energy compensation, you are of course welcome to do so. Thank you very much.

Earth Healing

German version further up on this page.

This meditation was created to connect with Gaia, our Mother Earth. In our every day lives we tend to forget what our real nature is and that we all are the children of this beautiful planet we call the Earth. Although we all seem to be different-on a spiritual level, we are the same: beautiful souls sharing an adventure as humans here on this planet.

In togetherness, we can heal ourselves and the Earth and ascend our energy. Please feel invited to use this meditation for creating your inner space to connect on the soul level.

The meditation can be downloaded for free. Just enter the amount "0" into the "name your price" field. If you would like to enter a different amount as energy compensation, you are of course welcome to do so. Thanks a lot.

Earth Healing Meditation
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BandCamp Store

"Earth Healing" is also available in several other music stores and streaming services. Please click here for a complete overview of where to find it.