ThetaHealing® Dig Deeper Online Course

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Info about "ThetaHealing® Dig Deeper Online Course".

Prerequisite for participation in the Dig Deeper course is prior participation in a ThetaHealing® Basic DNA and a ThetaHealing® Advanced DNA Course.

"Dig Deeper!" - "Dig Deeper!" one of the most important techniques in ThetaHealing®. You learn to access deep-seated core beliefs by asking the right questions and to release them through the power of creation. This technique enables us to find out the real reasons for a problem and transform them. In doing so, we clear the way for life-changing transformation. Trauma may be released, healing may happen, success may occur, positive experiences may replace negative experiences.
We learn the benefits of our previous problem or behavior and give permission to say goodbye to it with loving respect. You can use the digging techniques to create profound changes in yourself as well as for your clients. At the end of a session, much is clear and resolved.

In this seminar, there will be a lot of hands-on practice to shed as much baggage as possible and learn what is all POSSIBLE with this technique.

Included in the course: The book "ThetaHealing® Dig Deeper" by Vianna Stibal.

Prerequisite: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA
With the completion of these three courses you have completed the most important basic pillars of the ThetaHealing® world. They are the prerequisite for many other courses.

The seminar comprises a total of 11 teaching hours plus break time and takes place on two consecutive days.
You will receive the ThetaHealing® Dig Deeper certificate from ThInK (ThetaHealing® Institute of Knowledge) at the end of the seminar.

Course Times (CEST):

Saturday 10:30 - 17:00
Sunday 10:30 - 17:00

The course takes place online via Zoom.

Registration form

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